Cream of Dallas Ad Agencies – Moving Brands Forward

It’s that time of year again. All of the design-savvy pubs are letting us “creative types" in on the design trends that are headed our way for the New Year. It’s fun reading, and there are plenty of setters out there letting us know what’s going to be trendy, but year after year I can’t help but notice an old stand-by that creeps on the list; minimalism. For one, if it’s on the list every year, then it’s not a trend. And two, minimalism isn’t a trend at all – it’s a movement. Minimalism broke on the post-WW2 scene in American visual arts and has never left. And for us in the commercial visual arts, it’s a mighty coup in our creative quiver. When you’re competing for eyeballs in a world where a literal half-second is worth more than a whole minute; a simple concept, word and visual is your secret weapon. Clever and stunningly simple communication and design is tried and true, and apparently trendy too. Take that 21st Century!

-Todd Lancaster, Creative Director
